Transforming Operations With Matiyas Solutions’ Customized ERP – A Success Story From One Ikigaii Pvt. Ltd.


One Ikigaii (P) Ltd, a dynamic organization committed to excellence, embarked on a journey to streamline and enhance their operational efficiency. This case study delves into their experience with Matiyas Solutions’ customized ERP solution, highlighting the challenges faced, decision-making process, and the impactful results achieved.

Before the implementation of Matiyas’ ERP solution, One Ikigaii (P) Ltd, like many organizations, grappled with operational challenges. Kamal Jalan expressed the desire for an ERP system from the very inception of the organization, recognizing the need for disciplined processes and a streamlined workflow.

The pivotal decision to implement Matiyas’ ERP was preceded by a meticulous evaluation process. Kamal Jalan shortlisted between Odoo and ERPNext, ultimately choosing Matiyas due to its ease of discussion, flexibility, and the capability to align with the organization’s unique needs.

During the evaluation, the standout features of Matiyas’ ERP included robust process flows and the ease of customization. These factors played a crucial role in aligning the ERP with One Ikigaii (P) Ltd’s specific requirements.

Words of Advice:

Reflecting on the experience, Kamal Jalan’s advice to other organizations considering Matiyas’ ERP solution is unequivocal: “No Second thought. Go ahead with Matiyas.” This endorsement underscores the confidence and satisfaction derived from the implementation.

When asked about additional functionalities or improvements, Kamal Jalan highlighted Matiyas’ responsiveness in extending functionalities tailored to their company’s needs. This adaptability ensures that the ERP system evolves along with the organization.


One Ikigaii (P) Ltd encapsulates their journey and satisfaction with Matiyas’ ERP in the following testimonial: “Capture data at the lowest level and you can build, report, analyze, get insights across business dimensions to take informed decisions.”

Matiyas Solutions, specializing in digital solutions for restaurants, has played a pivotal role in transforming the landscape of the restaurant industry. The tailored ERP software is not just a tool but a catalyst for efficiency and growth.


The collaboration between One Ikigaii (P) Ltd and Matiyas Solutions stands as a testament to the power of a customized ERP solution in driving organizational success. This case study illustrates how Matiyas’ ERP is not only a technological solution but a strategic partner in fostering operational excellence and innovation within the restaurant industry.

If you are considering implementing custom ERP System in your business specific to its requirements, then click on this link to get a demo now and learn more about how our unique ERP system can benefit your business.
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